After-School Clubs

What started as a short hallway conversation about the need for homework help for Tenderloin school’s students, has grown into one of BAWCC’s favorite model programs. Prior to Covid, up to 200 students participated in up to 14 different After-School Clubs each week.

Students got to choose among interesting academic, arts, and sports clubs, such as: Tech Clubs, Spanish, Board Games, Newspaper, Yearbook, Cooking, Volleyball, Team  Sports, two different Arts Clubs, and of course, the clubs that started everything, our Homework Help Club which is held four days a week.

Taught by classroom and BAWCC teachers, our Clubs give students the chance to experience something they would not otherwise have exposure to, and the Clubs give teachers the chance to teach in some new areas that they love or want to explore more deeply.  BAWCC’s Clubs are free to all of the students at the school. Due to Covid restrictions, we are slowly bringing clubs back into the building, one club at a time.