Macaulay Park Playground

In 1995, BAWCC’s director was approached twice in the same week, first by police officers who walked the Macaulay Park “beat”, and then by the manager of the building adjacent to the park.  They both asked if BAWCC would lead the effort to have Macaulay Park redesigned and re-built.  For many years, this park, in the northwest Tenderloin, had been a haven for crime and drug activity.  

BAWCC brought together members of the community, staff of local organizations, police officers, and Sergeant Macaulay’s mother and brother, to work with the Rec & Park Department to redesign the park as a playground.  It re-opened in 2000, and has been well-used by neighborhood children and families ever since. Recently, the neighborhood updated the design, so it’s fresh and newly welcoming the children!

Macaulay Park playground
Macaulay Park playground